Office Ergonomics Tips That Will Keep Your Employees Happy and Productive
The idea of ergonomics in the workplace may sound like arranging everything according to feng shui practices to increase positivity and productivity. The difference is ergonomics isn’t based on the flow of energy; it’s a study of how efficient people are in their work environment with a goal of eliminating discomfort and potential injury. When […]
4 Tips to Clean Up Your Resume This Summer
The long-awaited summer is the perfect time relax, have fun, and make edits to your resume. Take advantage of the relaxing vibe of summer to help clean up your resume so you’re prepared for any future or impending job searches. Here are four tips to help you get started. Figure out your ultimate career […]
5 Benefits to Letting Your Office Employees Work Remote
You hear more about the trends of telecommuting and letting your employees work from home, but you may still have reservations. It’s a big adjustment from having all your team in the office on the same schedule to then trusting them to get the work done independently. If you’re deciding if this is a good […]
Relocating to Atlanta: Check Out These 5 Hot Spots
Atlanta is a diverse and beautiful city, but like all cities can be overwhelming when relocating. From the deep history in the area, to innovative improvements to make the city more walkable, there’s so much to see and do. Instead of being bombarded with options, start with these five Atlanta hotspots to help you get […]
Why Science Says Adults Still Need 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep
You’ve likely heard someone brag about their sleep habits in your professional career. Instead of talking about how late they slept on a Saturday, adults discuss how few hours of sleep they actually need a night to keep functioning. With so much going on, it’s easy to think you’re doing fine with just four hours, […]
Looking To Make Your Workplace Desirable For Candidates? Follow These 3 Tips!
In life it’s easy to overcompensate in every area. Instead of just listening to what people want, it can seem simpler to give them what you think they want. This tendency can present itself in a workplace as well, with employers thinking they understand what their employees want without taking the time to ask. […]