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5 Questions You Should Never Ask a Potential Employer

We’ve all been there during those last minutes of a job interview. After spending time answering questions, it’s your turn to learn more about your potential employer. As much as you want to ask about pay or vacation, it’s important to recognize this step is a crucial part of the interview and requires preparation.


According to the Business Insider, the questions at the end turn the interview into a two-way street and allow both parties to determine if the candidate will be a good fit. Sometimes you might go through an interview and not have questions, but failing to ask may cause the company to think you are disinterested or didn’t do any research leading up to the interview.


Take some time during your review of the company to write down questions you can use at the end of an interview that show you’re engaged. Most importantly, avoid these five questions:

1.) What does your company do?

First of all, you should walk into every interview with a basic understanding of what the company does. Asking this question, even if you just require clarification, makes it seem as if you haven’t done any research. If, after the interview, you still have questions about the specifics, try crafting a question that shows you were paying attention but desire additional clarification when needed.

2.) What will you pay me?

It’s not wrong to wonder, but asking can make it seem as if you care more what the job has to offer you than what you have to offer the job. As much as you want to know, it’s important to focus on the position itself. The only time it’s acceptable is if the employer brings up the subject of salary first.

3.) When do I get vacation time?

Similar to asking about salary, questions about benefits can make it seem you’re only interested in the perks, or you’re thinking you’ve already got the job. Focus on the role itself and not what comes with it.

4.) Can I sometimes work from home?

Many companies include the option to work from home in a job description or will even discuss the opportunity during an interview. Even if it seems like you should be able to complete the job from home, don’t ask during the interview. Wait until you’ve proven yourself as a  hard worker before you begin asking favors.

5.) Are you going to check my references?

This question can have two negative effects – you can look too eager or make it seem as if contacting your references is a bad thing. If you are concerned, Forbes recommends letting the employer get to know you first and form their own opinion before asking others.


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