New Year, New You, New Employees
Setting resolutions is a common tradition around New Years, with many people focusing on the concept of ‘new year, new me.’ We take advantage of what feels like a fresh start to begin again and stay focused on the things that matter and make real changes in our lives. We want this year to be […]
Get Your Team Out and Make a Difference in the Community… You Won’t Regret It
As a leader, you want to make sure that you are giving back to both your team and the community. You invest time in both because you know it will lead to employee loyalty, satisfaction, and increased productivity. In your list of ways to improve, have you considered volunteering? Getting teams out into the […]
5 Ways to Give Thanks to Your Employees This Holiday Season
Tis the season for being thankful, at least that’s how it feels in November. While gratitude shouldn’t be reserved for one month or day a year, this month is an excellent time to make an extra effort for your team to let them know just how much you appreciate all they do. Here are five ways […]
5 Best Practices for Acing Your Dreaded Phone Interview
In a world where email and text eliminate the need for face-to-face conversations, many people have come to dread talking on the phone. Because they’re out of practice, any call that comes through can be stressful and maybe even a little bit annoying. Even with these feelings, the unfortunate reality is that sometimes you need […]
Office Ergonomics Tips That Will Keep Your Employees Happy and Productive
The idea of ergonomics in the workplace may sound like arranging everything according to feng shui practices to increase positivity and productivity. The difference is ergonomics isn’t based on the flow of energy; it’s a study of how efficient people are in their work environment with a goal of eliminating discomfort and potential injury. When […]
5 Benefits to Letting Your Office Employees Work Remote
You hear more about the trends of telecommuting and letting your employees work from home, but you may still have reservations. It’s a big adjustment from having all your team in the office on the same schedule to then trusting them to get the work done independently. If you’re deciding if this is a good […]