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The 7 Secrets to Building Better Relationships with Your Coworkers

Getting along with coworkers is a critical part of career growth. While the workplace isn’t necessarily a popularity contest, it can help tremendously if you work well with others and have a positive reputation in the workplace. If you are struggling to connect with your coworkers, here are some ways to make your relationship with colleagues more positive and productive.

Master the art of small talk at work

For many people, being able to strike up a conversation can seem awkward. This is why you need to learn to master the fine art of small talk. Essentially, small talk begins by finding a common ground with your colleagues. This is a friendly way to start conversation in a casual manner. But it will begin to bridge the gap between you and your coworkers when you make an effort.

Show interest in your co-workers’ lives

Along with small talk, take the time to get to know your co-workers on a more personal level. For example, as you walk around the office you may notice co-workers with pictures of their family, their pets, and maybe some of their favorite sports teams or music artists. Be sure to comment on them in a positive way. For example, you could say, “Hey [insert your co-worker’s name] I noticed that you have a Labrador Retriever. I have one too. Aren’t they great pets?”

Respect cultural differences and diversity

In many workplaces, there is a wide range of different cultures and backgrounds present. This is especially true in larger companies or those that employ remote employees. Be sure to honor this by learning about cultural differences including language styles, interpersonal skills, and even the way that people approach work. Keep this in mind whenever if you are interacting with your peers.

Build trust by being reliable and ethical

One of the key ways that you can build more positive relationships with your co-workers is by being someone that they can rely upon. This means when you say you will do something, make sure you do it. When working on projects or as part of a team make sure that you are carrying your share of the load. Being reliable and demonstrating strong work ethics can go a long ways towards developing positive and productive relationships with your colleagues.

Have fun both at work and off the clock

Many times people get so caught up in work that they forget that they are working with other human beings. If you want to have a more positive relationship with your co-workers, try bringing a little fun to the office. Be the person who always has something positive to say and knows how to make a good joke once in a while. Don’t limit yourself to fostering these relationships within the workplace either. Encourage your boss to take you out as a team for group lunches and participating in team building activities such as bowling, a visit to a local museum, or even a fun movie day.

Use good office etiquette for returning emails and phone calls

Being responsive and respecting the time of others can go a long way towards creating a positive relationship with your co-workers. This means, always respond to phone calls and messages left on your phone within the same day. Emails are important to respond to as well. The rule of thumb for emails is to respond within 24 to 48 hours. If you notice that a co-worker has an urgent issue try to be faster with your response. Be courteous and remember to proofread your emails and check the tone before you send them out

Smile and greet your colleagues warmly

One of the easiest ways to create a more positive work environment for yourself and your co-workers is to just be a positive person in general. Make an effort to smile at everyone you meet and greet people warmly with a handshake and a smile as well as positive eye contact. You will be viewed as someone who has a sunny disposition and people will want to be around you.

About Staffing Resources

Staffing Resources, established in 1985, is a privately held Georgia-based corporation and a certified Female Business Enterprise. We provide a wide range of full- and part-time employees to businesses, associations, government and non-profit organizations in the metro Atlanta area. If you are looking to advance your career or land a new job in Atlanta, contact us today!

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