Many times, professionals spend countless hours searching for a job, interviewing over and over again, and then finally accepting an offer of employment. Then, a few days or weeks later, they may find out that the new job is not exactly what they thought it would be. What can you do if this happens to you?
Below, we will discuss how to proceed when your new job isn’t what you thought it would be so you can gracefully move to something else.
Explore Possibilities
Before you get up to walk out the door and never return, you must explore the possibilities of the job. Is it possible that the job will wind up working out for you? If so, consider sticking with the new job for longer than a day, a week or a month. You can figure out this possibility by speaking with your direct supervisor about your concerns. If you do not get the answers you were looking for, then you might have made a bad decision.
Seek Outside Development
If you determine that it is a good idea to keep the job, consider seeking outside development. This can be done by enrolling in online classes, attending seminars or conferences and heading back to college for an advanced degree. You could also join volunteer groups in your town or become a member of a professional organization within your industry.
Start Networking Immediately
You should never stop networking, even if you are hired at a new job. But, be sure to begin networking immediately once you realize the new job is not right for you. Continue to build your network and meet new people within your industry. They might help you find another new job as you hold down the one that is not satisfying you.
Try to Remain Patient
It is easier said than done, but you should try to remain as patient as possible when you think a new job is not working out for you. Patience is a virtue and many feel that it takes anywhere from three to six months for someone to adjust to a new job. Give it as much time as possible before making any rash decisions so you do not leave the company in a lurch.
Begin a New Job Search
While you remain in the job that does not please you, begin a new search for another job. Take time out of your schedule either each morning or each night at home to look for new jobs. Send out resumes and complete applications. Never let-on at work that you are trying to find greener pastures or you could hurt your chances of keeping the job while looking for a new one.