The success of any company depends on the happiness of its employees. Happy employees will contribute to a positive corporate culture, keeping clients happy and completing work on-time and correctly. In this post we will discuss the best ways to keep your employees happy because this is the only way your company will survive in today’s difficult business world.
Make an Investment in Employee Salaries
Unhappy employees are most likely to leave for greener pastures because they are not satisfied with the salary they are making. Compensation plays a major role in keeping employees happy on the job, but it is not the end-game. There are plenty of other things you can do to keep your employees happy today. When you pay employees what they think they are worth, both sides will be happy in the end.
Provide Comfortable Options at the Office
Another way to keep your employees happy at work is to make sure they are comfortable. This includes providing them with comfortable work stations. Do not put everyone in a four-walled, ugly cubicle. This will only diminish their spirits and force them to find a new job. Aside from putting your employees in a more visibly appealing workspace, you must also provide them with ergonomic furniture in order to keep them comfortable and healthy at the same time.
Offer Flexible Scheduling
As you attempt to keep your employees happy, you should also consider flexible scheduling. This includes the opportunity to leave work early one or more times per week, obtain extra paid time off for working later or even receiving every other Friday off after working longer hours Monday through Friday.
Make Telecommuting Possible
Employees want to spend time with their families, even if they are still on the clock. This can happen if you offer them telecommuting options. If you allow your employees to work from home once or twice per week, you will be surprised at how much their attitude will improve and how more loyal they become to your company.
Provide Cash Prizes
Employees love to be rewarded for their hard work. Well, if they can find legal ways to save the company money, then they should be rewarded with some extra cash of their own. When employees know that there is a treasure chest waiting for them after a job well done, they will do their best to complete the project on-time and correctly. They will also have a lot more fun working on it as well.
Have Fun with Your Employees
There is nothing wrong with having fun with your employees. Many companies offer regular outings to sporting events, host barbeques and provide events that the whole family can enjoy. Companies also like to field sports teams throughout the year to keep their employees involved and healthy. You can join softball leagues, flag-football leagues and even basketball leagues.
The next time you run into an unhappy employee or two, consider making some changes in the office to ensure that they have a happier work life. This will benefit the company and the employees in the long run.