The Importance of Keeping Your LinkedIn Profile Up to Date Even If You Aren’t Job Searching

LinkedIn frequently becomes just a box you check when entering the job search. You update your resume, draft a new cover letter, and spruce up your LinkedIn account because you know it’s important for companies to see the latest version of you. Unfortunately, waiting this long could cost you opportunities you never imagined.     The Seeking Never Stops Even if you aren’t […]

4 Tips to Clean Up Your Resume This Summer

The long-awaited summer is the perfect time relax, have fun, and make edits to your resume. Take advantage of the relaxing vibe of summer to help clean up your resume so you’re prepared for any future or impending job searches. Here are four tips to help you get started.   Figure out your ultimate career […]

Here’s How to Get Ahead of Your 2019 Goals

The end of 2018 is approaching quickly, possibly leaving you wondering what happened to year at all. It feels like you were just thinking about what you wanted to accomplish this year and now it’s time to think about another. You don’t want to wish the time away, but being mentally prepared for the fresh […]

How to Juggle Work and Back to School Time as a Parent

As summer begins to wind down, you might find yourself feeling higher levels of anxiety as the fall season approaches. It isn’t all the pumpkin-flavored foods that are stressing you out – it’s the realization that soon it’s time to juggle your job and your kids going back to school.   While summer brings its […]

How Often Should You Drug Test in the Workplace

Most new hires start a job understanding drug testing is likely part of the deal. Even if a company doesn’t conduct drug tests routinely, all employees are aware it can happen. As an employer, you keep this section in your handbook, but maybe you aren’t really sure how often you should drug test your team. […]

Do You Stand Out Among Your Co-Workers as a Leader at Work?

It’s likely you didn’t start your career hoping you could stay in the same position until you retire. Most people have a general idea of where they’d like to go, and usually it involves moving beyond where they are now. One of the best ways to stand out and advance your career is to be […]