Staffing Resources


5 Professional Lessons You Can Learn From Your Manager

March 7th, 2019

No matter what type of boss you have, it’s usually a learning experience. The really bad ones will teach you what you shouldn’t do, and the great ones leave you with wisdom you can carry throughout your career. What’s important is to always be on the lookout for these professional lessons you can learn from your manager.


Focus on the goal

Frustrating and challenging situations will occur at work, causing the train of productivity to derail for a time. No matter what the issue, a good manager will show you the value of remembering the ultimate goal of the work you do and sticking to that purpose. You can’t control what happens, but you can control your response.


Let things go

Many professionals have the desire to perfect a project or have a hand in every activity, sure of the necessity of their involvement. While this may be initially important, learning to let go is vital to the workplace.


Perfectionism can cause anxiety and missed deadlines while being a part of too many projects can lead to being overwhelmed and frequently dropping the ball. Look to your manager and see how they delegate and move on from projects.


Figure it out

When you receive a task without detailed instructions, your first response might be to ask for clarity, but usually there’s a reason your boss didn’t tell you more. If you start depending on them for guidance for one project, it could spiral into every new assignment. Be thankful they trust you to take the lead and learn to figure it out on your own.


Build your network

Have you ever noticed how many connections your supervisor seems to have? You may wonder how it’s possible to know so many people, but the answer is relatively simple. Networking. Dedicate time to attending conferences, networking and professional development events to meet other professionals and begin to grow your network as well.


Don’t be afraid to ask

A common phrase is “ask not, have not,” which basically means you aren’t going to get anything you won’t ask for. Even if the answer is no, it’s always important to ask and see instead of assuming you know the outcome.


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