Hiring temporary workers for a particular season or project is a great way to alleviate stress on your team and save time and money in the hiring process. Working with a temp agency gives you quick access to the employees you need without the standard hassle of bringing on new team members.
While it is a good thing for your team, it isn’t always a great experience for the temp. Too often, the temporary status causes them to feel like less a part of the team and not as engaged, especially if they feel a different level of attention and treatment. Ask yourself these questions to make sure you’re giving your temporary employees enough attention.
Are you treating them like part of the team?
Even though they aren’t permanent members of the team, they shouldn’t be treated differently than your regular employees. If you’re holding a meeting relevant to their work, include them. All staff meetings should also be an inclusive invitation.
At the end of the day, you set the standard for how your temps should be treated. When you don’t foster an inclusive environment, other employees might see this and feel they don’t need to take the time to include them, either.
To everyone at your company, this might seem like no big deal, but you have to remember this is their job for the time and a better working environment has a number of benefits, including increased productivity. By making sure your temporary employees feel like they’re treated the same as everyone else, you can expect a better company culture and work.
Are you noticing any with potential?
Even if you needed a temp for a specific position, you may notice that they have the right set of skills and personality to fit in well as a permanent member of your team. Failing to stay engaged means you might miss your next star employee because you dismissed them from their status.
Are you following up with their experience?
If you plan to continue using temps when needed, the feedback they provide is crucial to make sure you’re providing the best experience. Check in and see how everything is going and ask if they feel they’ve had enough experience, feel like a part of the team, etc.
Trust us to help augment your workforce
When you need to add to your team for a project, employee’s vacation or call-off, we have the short-term and long-term temporary staffing options you need. At Staffing Resources, we’re the experts at sourcing and preparing the best potential in the greater Atlanta area. Learn how we can help you with your staffing needs today!