The Staffing Resource

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3 BIG Benefits of Working with a Staffing Firm

By visiting our website, you are likely considering the benefits of working with a staffing firm.  This is actually a very positive step in the right direction for your organization and your future growth.  Yet, you still may be on the fence about this decision and need a little more information to make a solid decision about temporary staffing.

Three Benefits of Partnering with Staffing Resources

To help you find the solutions to your human capital needs, please review our list of the top 3 benefits of working with a staffing agency. (Then, feel free to give us a call today!)


If your company wants to stay ahead of the industry trends and remain innovative, then having access to high quality candidates who are experts in their fields is absolutely vital. Staffing agencies have the network and resources that go beyond a traditional HR department. Instead of simply putting out a few help wanted ads and hoping to find a few gems among the thousands of candidates out there, why not get focused and hire the best from day one? Working with a team of recruitment specialists who understand your industry well can give you a key advantage over your competition. This can save you a lot of time and frustration.


It has been estimated that it costs an average of a half a year’s salary just to replace one employee—due to pre-employment screening, advertisement costs, time to interview, employment verification and more. That’s a huge investment considering your company has other financial needs. Staffing agencies relieve employers of pre-employment costs such as background checks, interviewing, and personality assessments. They handle all these details in advance so you end up with a highly qualified and screened candidate ready to go to work right away. Maximizing your staffing ROI is what working with Staffing Resources is all about.


The last time you attempted to recruit for a single open assignment at your company, you probably ended up with piles of resumes from unqualified or unsuitable candidates. The economy has put a strain on many HR departments due to job shortages and an overabundance of job seekers. Staffing agencies have direct access to a large pool of quality candidates that are screened and employable, having already met the requirements of the assignments you are hiring for – now. Just think of how much time you will save not having to handle these tasks alone?

Once you make the decision to work with a staffing agency, you will understand how this method of staffing can help your business to growth strategically, while eliminating costs and time of recruitment. Partnering with Staffing Resources can boost your human capital ROI and improve your company’s ability to be productive and innovative far into the future.

If you are looking for a staffing agency near Atlanta GA, contact the experts at Staffing Resources today.

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