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Preparing for the Multi-Generational Workplace – HR Management in an Age Diverse World

In the modern corporate world, a diversified employee population has become the norm. Yet, for many companies, finding a common ground from which to succeed can pose as a challenge, with employees coming from different generations. Be that as it may, a mentality of standardizing managerial strategies is being practiced by many corporate leaders. Instead of rewarding, recognizing and motivating employees using a single method, today’s managers must be prepared to address the unique talents and traits that each generation brings to the workplace.

Analyzing a Multi-Generation Workplace

Let’s first take a closer look at what the average workplace looks like, from the perspective of each unique generation of employees. The following is an inquest of age brackets and generations in the workplace:

Traditionalists make up 13% of the Workforce

This generation group comprises of individuals born between 1922 and 1943. They are more likely to be experts and highly regarded for their long years of experience due to their age. One good thing about them is their recognition to company protocols. They also seek consistent compliance and tend to be more economical in many aspects. Yet, it is a given fact that technology can be a challenge for them.

Baby Boomers make up 26.4% of the Workforce

Workers in this group are very career-oriented and hardworking. They have a positive outlook towards their job and are wordlessly after some acknowledgement on their performance. There are knowledgeable with calculators and are often well-acquainted with printed or paper materials.

Generation X makes up 19.8% of the Workforce

These workers are regarded to be independent and creative in any job. They put the fun into their work, yet show a sense of orientation. They perform with realistic standards and measures brought about by personal experiences. This may be the reason as to how they manage to ground their aspirations on being the boss rather than being mere workers.

Generation Y makes up 27.7% of the Workforce

Individuals in this generation are very well into what technology has to offer. They take most of the workforce percentage this current year (2013) and have done it in a snap. Being bold, savvy and fearless makes them a priority in the field of recruitment for the coming years of the company.

Generation Z makes none of the Workforce, yet!

Toddlers and preschoolers of these present times will be occupying the workforce soon as part of the Generation Z. It might be difficult to foresee kids of today will dominate the corporate place with their outstanding adeptness on the digital and technological advancements. The challenge now for employers is how to make Gen-Z workers notice and consider their workplace to constitute its workforce.

With many employee management challenges in regards to their generation, every employee must be ready and equipped with the knowledge of effective HR techniques. The performance and name of the company greatly relies on the workforce. Therefore, a need for addressing customized approaches for each generation must be considered.

Whether you are looking to fill a position with an experienced traditionalist, or looking ahead to generation Z, contact the staffing experts at Staffing Resources today. We have the experience and network to help you land your next employee.

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