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How to Spot a Great Recruiter in Georgia

Hiring an effective recruiter to partner with your business for the long term can be the single-most important aspect of managing your staffing needs. However, it’s unfortunate that between the shortages in high demand skill sets and above average unemployment numbers around the nation, there is an influx of inexperienced and unreliable people out there just looking to make a quick commission. However, when you do find a great recruitment firm, the good news is that they can help you in several ways:

  • Lowers staffing costs dramatically by eliminating time and money to advertise and screen candidates
  • Improved quality of hire because the candidates are assessed for their skills and backgrounds
  • Access to a wider variety of candidate skill sets for short term and long term assignments
  • Reduced costs for managing payroll, benefits, onboarding, and incentive programs

Don’t Give Up on Recruiters – Look for the Great Ones

It seems like everywhere you look, there are amateur recruiters or people doing recruiting “on the side” who don’t understand your industry or the candidates you so desperately need to stay ahead of the game. While essentially they mean well, this can quickly turn you off to the prospect of working with recruiters at all. But wait, before you give up on recruiters in general, understand that there are good recruiters to be found who can boost your business and help you maintain your staffing budget. The key is to understand what makes a great recruiter and where to find these folks.

Traits of the Best Recruiters

In order to help you find a great recruiter who can become your go-to source of information and staffers, you’ll want to see if they have these qualities.

  1. They know your industry well.  Each industry has its own unique set of challenges, therefore you will want to work with a recruiter who has experience that reflects an understanding of this. Otherwise, it can get frustrating trying to explain things all the time.
  2. They are responsive, efficient and personable.  A good recruiter will respond quickly to your requests, using the most efficient methods of achieving results, and won’t be short with you. This should be a pleasant experience, and your recruiter should always treat you with respect.
  3. They frequently update you on progress. The best recruiters make an effort to keep the doors of communication open with their clients through frequent updates and contact. An amateur will take your money and disappear. Hire only those recruiters who explain how they will update you on progress.
  4. They present you with great candidates. The hallmark of a great recruiter is that he or she will send well-matched candidates to your door. While it’s impossible to get this perfect every time, you should be pleased overall with the selection of candidates you are presented with.

Working with a professional recruitment firm can bring you much closer to the employees your business needs to lead in your industry. Whenever you are in need of quality and flexible staffing, your best option is to contact Staffing Resources.

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