Rethinking Your Job Search | Including Social Media in Your Strategy
Every so often, job candidates should rethink their job search strategy in order to get things going in a positive direction. Not every job search will yield positive results, which can become frustrating over time. This is why you should sit down and rethink how you are approaching the job
5 Motivational Quotes to Share with Your Team
As a manager, it is important to motivate your team as much as possible. Motivation is a skill that not many managers understand well, but true leaders do. Motivation involves more than just clapping your hands at a meeting or encouraging team members to get their work done. A compliment
4 Tips to Staying Focused Amid Job Search Rejection
A job search will not always yield the positive results that you expect, right away. Any success you had in searching for a job earlier in your career will not be indicative of the success you will have later in your career. You must come to the realization that every
Start Managing Your Workforce Like an All-Star Baseball Team
Managing highly productive, winning workforce is one of the most difficult parts of being a leader. You have to know how to handle many different personalities, skill sets and work ethics. If you have never managed a group of people before, it can become a daunting task. In order to