Why Are Employees Leaving After Only a Couple Months?

As an employer, you likely aren’t hiring new team members with the expectation that they’ll leave the position quickly. Even though workforce trends indicate employees aren’t staying at companies as long as they used to, you still expect them to stay at least a year or two.   Unfortunately, you may be noticing a terrifying trend […]

Is Your Business Prepared for Seasonal Staffing Shortages?

It’s hard to believe we’re in the final quarter of the year, with the holiday season right around the corner. Although it’s still months away, it creeps up faster than the unprepared are ready to admit. With many companies entering their busiest season, it’s important to recognize your staffing needs and make the decisions now […]

Workplace Safety Tips to Help Save Your Business Money

Creating a safer environment improves your workplace for a number of reasons. Obviously, your goal as an employer is to keep everyone on your team safe, so the steps you take to achieve this make a difference. Beyond the health of your workers, there is the consideration of money saved.   According to the Occupational […]

Is A Skills-Based Resume the Right Option for You?

Creating your resume is usually a stressful experience. You want it to be unique and stand out from your competition, be free of errors, and expertly convey your past experience and what you can bring to future employers. Sometimes you have so much experience it becomes challenging to list it all on one page. Perhaps […]

The Steps Every Employer Should Take to Build Trust in the Office

Everyone in an office must trust one another, and trust you as their manager, if the office is expected to succeed. This is a basic fact of business. One thing to remember, though, is that trust is not a static thing. It is “an evolving thing that ebbs and flows,” according to psychology professor David […]