How Could the STAR Method Benefit You in Your Next Interview?
The moment you hear the words “tell me about a time when” during an interview, you begin to sweat. If you were nervous before, it’s now exponentially worse. Suddenly, you’ve forgotten everything you’ve ever done in your career and have no idea what to provide an example. After a few
Relocating to Atlanta: Check Out These 5 Hot Spots
Atlanta is a diverse and beautiful city, but like all cities can be overwhelming when relocating. From the deep history in the area, to innovative improvements to make the city more walkable, there’s so much to see and do. Instead of being bombarded with options, start with these five Atlanta
Why Science Says Adults Still Need 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep
You’ve likely heard someone brag about their sleep habits in your professional career. Instead of talking about how late they slept on a Saturday, adults discuss how few hours of sleep they actually need a night to keep functioning. With so much going on, it’s easy to think you’re doing
Has Work Got You Stressed? Here Are 6 Tips to Get You Through the Day
At some point in your career, you’ve likely felt stress on the job. it could a new role, new boss, new responsibilities or nothing new at all. The daily grind can be enough to increase anxiety in your life. In fact, 70% of adults feel some level of anxiety or
Relocating to Atlanta, GA for a New Job? Here Are 6 Places to Visit!
Moving to a new city for work is full of many different emotions, including anticipation, fear, uncertainty, excitement and everything in between. Part of the excitement comes from the fresh start in a new area with different places to explore. If Atlanta, Georgia, is where you’re headed for your new