
Preventing HR Nightmares – Setting Up an Employee Handbook

If your organization is new to hiring employees or just hasn’t gotten around to developing an employee handbook, it could be at risk for a human resource related lawsuit. Don’t take any more chances. It’s time to set up a simple, yet effective employee handbook that can document your workplace

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Key Reasons to Outsource Your Hiring Initiatives in 2015

It can be frustrating for companies to spend hours on end sifting through applications and sitting in on interviews only to have to fill a job a second time in months. This is a major reason why your company should outsource its hiring initiatives in 2015. We will discuss other

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Start Standing Out from the Crowd During Your Interview

It’s a fact that the job interview is one of the most important parts of the job search process, yet too many people are struggling to make a good first impression on potential employers. Why? By the time the interviewer talks to you, he or she has probably already met

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