
How Often Should You Drug Test in the Workplace

Most new hires start a job understanding drug testing is likely part of the deal. Even if a company doesn’t conduct drug tests routinely, all employees are aware it can happen. As an employer, you keep this section in your handbook, but maybe you aren’t really sure how often you

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It’s Time to Quit Your Bad Manager

Few things can make your experience at a company awful quite like a bad manager. Even when you like your job, having to deal with someone who is rude, demanding, ignorant, and incompetent can make you want to jump ship. Those you discuss the issues with will likely say everyone

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How to Recover After Losing Your Top Performer

A team shouldn’t be built around one team member, but sometimes losing a particular person can become your star. A top performer is someone you rely on, and believe is dedicated to your company, causing the announcement of their departure to be an unexpected and disappointing surprise. While it may

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