5 Ways to Give Thanks to Your Employees This Holiday Season

Tis the season for being thankful, at least that’s how it feels in November. While gratitude shouldn’t be reserved for one month or day a year, this month is an excellent time to make an extra effort for your team to let them know just how much you appreciate all they do. Here are five ways […]

Don’t Just Hire Employees…Onboard Them Fully Too!

Simply hiring employees doesn’t get the job done anymore. Too many companies experience high turnover rates because they just hire new employees and then let them figure things out on their own. Companies have begun altering their hiring processes to include onboarding that is effective and informative for the new hires. Here we will discuss […]

Are Your Best Employees Starting to Look for Work Somewhere Else?

As a manager, you may think just because people are not grumbling or quitting that they are happy and loyal as always. But this may not be the case. One study conducted by CareerBuilder revealed that as many as 60 percent of all employees are actively searching for work elsewhere while on the company clock. […]