How Can You Improve Your Team’s Productivity?
Productivity is the key to a healthy, functioning business. But all too often, this vital quality is missing from a work team. Why? The problem could be any number of things, including: Lack of Accountability Poor Communication Burn-out Poor Planning Too Many Interruptions Wrike, a project management software firm, conducted
It’s Time to do a Work Detox | How to Regroup and Refocus for 2017
For many people, now is the time of year for resolutions, new goals, and fresh starts. The new year is a way to mentally draw a line in the sand, making it easier to begin a new journey. You may have new years resolutions related to fitness, family, or fun.
Resolve to Improve Your Communication Skills This Year
“People don’t quit bad companies, they quit bad managers.” – American Management Association One of the most difficult things to master is communication. If you are a manager or supervisor, communication skills are a must. If you’re making New Years’ Resolutions this year, consider adding a resolve to improve your
Three Effective Ways to Enter an Interview With Confidence
Staying positive and confident while job hunting is not an easy task. Yet, confidence is important when entering a job interview. According to an article printed in Human Resource Management Review, the first four minutes of an interview are the most important. Entering with confidence could be the difference between