Staffing Resources


So, You Got Through the First Interview! Now What?

July 10th, 2017

After weeks of job searching—filling out job applications, writing cover letters, sending out resumes—you get an interview you are really excited about. That excitement grows as you finish the interview, and you’re sure you’d be an amazing fit with the company and the position. The big question on your mind now is, “What do I do next?” That’s an important question, because how you act after the interview can be the difference between getting a follow-up interview or getting cut from the short list.

Don’t Leave the Interview Without Asking This Question!

Before leaving the interview, there is a question you must always ask: What are your next steps, and when can I expect to hear from you? Filling a position takes longer than most job seekers expect. Learning when you can expect a decision, or a second interview, will help keep you from getting discouraged by a long wait time.

Remember to Say Thank You

Regardless of the timeline you are given, send a follow-up note as soon as possible after the interview. This will be a simple thank-you note to the interviewer, and should be sent no later than 24 hours afterward, either by email or post.

There is no need to be too wordy, but your thank-you note should show a personal touch. Mention something specific from the interview that you learned about the company or position. Or, if there is anything you forgot to mention in the interview, include it in the thank-you note.

Keep Following Up, But Don’t Be a Pest!

Say the hiring manager told you during the interview they will be in touch within two weeks. If it’s been more than three weeks and you still haven’t heard anything, it’s time to send a follow-up email. But remember, there is a right and a wrong way to do this.

  • Be friendly and respectful. Remember they are a busy professional and have other things going on besides calling every candidate who interviewed. Start off with something like, “I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to reach out and see if there is an update on the timeline for [position].”

  • Don’t email or call daily! One follow-up is usually plenty. If you haven’t heard back after 1-2 weeks, you can forward your original email with an additional note saying something like, “I just wanted to check that you received my last note. I’m looking forward to hearing from you, please let me know the status of [position] when you have a moment!”

According to one survey, 30 percent of hiring managers say that no follow-up means no further steps for that candidate (Source: Fortune). So take the time to send a thank-you note, and a follow-up email when needed. It can make you stand out and could land you the job!

Ready for Your Next Opportunity?

Contact Staffing Resources to get all the help you need to land a great job in Atlanta, GA.

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