Staffing Resources


5 Mobile Applications that Can Make You More Organized and More Efficient

October 28th, 2016

Trying to get more organized and become more productive as a working professional? At the end of the year, it’s easy to get retrospective and want to do things better moving forward. Luckily, since most people carry their mobile devices around with them 24/7, there are a wide range of mobile apps that can help anyone get more organized and efficient. Here are some you will want to check out:

Microsoft Outlook (Android, iOS) app can bring all your emails and schedules into one convenient location. Use it on your mobile devices to check your messages, take notes, jot down to-dos, and schedule meetings with colleagues. You can even share calendars with your boss or colleagues. Maximize your email by setting up folders for incoming mail.

Drive is Google’s cloud storage service (Android, iOS) and it can be very useful for sharing and organizing everything on-the-go. For a small amount, you can extend your Drive to hold more, but it comes free with 5 MB of storage, and the opportunity to use it to create shareable spreadsheets, forms, lists, documents, and more.

Trello (Android, iOS) is a fun, visually stimulating, and very interactive way for anyone to organize and prioritize work projects. Users set up ‘Cards’ and can send invites to others to follow them. This is a great project management tool, a way to share files and document changes, and a way to cross tasks off your to-do list.

Asana (Android, iOS) is a collaborative communication tool that puts teams and projects together in real-time. Users can create projects, invite other users, assign tasks and deadlines, post comments and request updates. The most pressing tasks populate at the top so you always see them when opening the app.

Evernote (Android, iOS) is a powerful mobile and desktop application that offers many bells and whistles that can help you stay organized and working efficiently. Evernote is made for taking notes, clipping content, and organizing it all in one seamless way. Notebooks organize things, and users can take notes or upload audio files directly into notebooks where they save automatically.

These are just a few ways you can stay organized and work efficiently using mobile apps. Be sure to check your device store manager for updates on new products that may work well for your needs.

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